Create Your Perfect Curl Cream Masterclass
One of the most frequent questions I get about product making is "How do I create a curl cream?"
The truth is not all curl creams are created equal, and even the perfect curl cream for you may actually feel really awful on my hair.

Type 4b Coily Hair

Type 3c/4a Tight Curly & Coily Hair

Type 3b Loosely Curled Hair
In this $19 (no that's not a typo) masterclass, you will learn:
1. What are the components of a great curl cream?
2. What differentiates a curl cream from a hair cream or from a leave in conditioner?
3. What is the goal of a curl cream?
4. Basic templates for making a curl cream for:
- loose 3a/ 3b curls.
- tight 3c/4a curls.
- tight 4b/ 4c coils.
You will be taken to a secure Moonclerk page to safely complete your registration.
Why is this class fee so low?
I charge a lot for coaching, because I value my time, I know that I go above and beyond for my students, and like you, I have yet to find a way to mass produce time.
I want a way for everyone who is serious about building a business, or saving money, who also desires a little help and guidance from me to have a way to afford to work with me.
This is also one of the ways in which I get coaching clients as they have a taste of what it is like to work with me on something.
Class will be held webinar style, on Zoom. It will be a 2 hour class with about 30 minutes included for live Q & A.
Registration also gains you entry to my private FB group where you can access many useful documents (sourcing ingredients, recipes, properties of different oils and herbs etc) that I only share with those in my Facebook Group.
Once you register you will receive a confirmation email with class details within 24 hours.
Class was recorded live. The recording is made available to you via email within 24 hours of your purchase.
You will have lifetime access to the recording.
You will be taken to a secure Moonclerk page to safely complete your registration.
I hope to see you there :)
Meet Your Instructor

Well Hello There :)
My name is Eden Croft and I live in sunny Phoenix, Arizona.
I help aspiring beautypreneurs like you create or source their first line of natural products, and sell them profitably.
I have been making and selling products for close to 20 years, and have been actively teaching others how to do so for 4 years.
My friends and family would be so grateful if you came to this class. I have talked to them about shea butter until they're blue in the face and they can't take another word.
Maybe I'll see you there with other passionate beautypreneurs and we can talk about curls together until the cows come home. (Then we can talk to the cows.... :) )