Create Your Unique Hydrating Facial Serum
A Prosper in Beauty Masterclass
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I'll show you how to create your future bestseller for just $49.
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We'll co-formulate your 4 product facial care line in just 2 hours of 1:1 time for $299.
You'll be taken to a secure Acuity Scheduling page to safely pay for and reserve your session. You have the option to book it later if you need to check your schedule first.
Do you or one of your customers or clients seem to have:
Chronically dry skin no matter how rich your moisturizer or how wonderful your oil blend is?
A sudden emergence of problem skin where there used to be none before - e.g. breakouts, rashes, blemishes?
Significant onset or advancement of visible signs of aging - e.g. sagging facial skin, deeper lines and wrinkles?
Dull lackluster skin that never seems to retain that radiant dewy glow, even 10 minutes after moisturizing?
Perhaps the issue is not problem skin or even aging skin. Have you ever thought that the issue might be hydration?
Cracked, dry, blemished skin. Using the wrong products or even using the right ones to reverse this, without a hydrating serum can make this look even worse.

Water-based, hydrating serum with 3 key ingredients. Pair it with a botanical facial oil for spectacular results.

Properly hydrated skin that allows every other facial product you use to work even better.

On Saturday, February 26th, I will be teaching a masterclass on how to create a truly hydrating serum. In just 2 hours (and that includes time for Q & A) - you will walk away with:
- Knowledge of the 2 key ingredients, and one bonus one besides water (LOL) that are the cornerstones of any hydrating serum that actually gets the job done.
- A spectacular way to differentiate your hydrating serum from others on the market.
- A cost comparison of what it takes to create an awesome product, and the price that you can sell it for. Bar none this will likely be the most popular and most profitable item in your facial care line up, followed closely by the facial oil.
A list of anti-aging, anti-oxidant and problem skin botanicals for your consideration that will cover all skin care niches.
- A way to preserve your product so that it is safe for customers to store in their medicine cabinet, mold-free, for months at a time (longer even) while still being considered gentle enough to be classified as a natural or organic product.
- Lifetime access to the recording and class slides, which later will be repackaged into a more comprehensive course structure so will naturally cost more. Get this class on its own today for its lowest ever price.
- Access to my private Facebook group for beautypreneurs, where I and many other helpful, stellar people like yourself are active and available to answer your questions. I also host a great deal of secret files and videos there that I reserve for my most serious students.
- And much more ....
Get ready for the glow up :)

I'll show you how to create your future bestseller for just $49.
You'll be taken to a secure Moonclerk page to finish your transaction safely.
We'll co-formulate your 4 product facial care line in just 2 hours of 1:1 time for $299.
You'll be taken to a secure Acuity Scheduling page to safely pay for and reserve your session. You have the option to book it later if you need to check your schedule first.
So if this class is so spectacular and life changing, why does it only cost $49?
- I am yet to figure out a way to mass produce time :). These masterclasses give everyone a price point at which they can work with me in a group setting.
- Because I am almost out of fingers, to count the number of emails and messages I get from people who have created and sold products to happy, repeat customers, based on just these $49 classes.
- These classes are fun for me. I absolutely love doing them and they are a wonderful way to connect with other beautypreneurs around the world, who also want to talk about cosmetics for hours on end :)
I hold nothing back. I could easily charge way more for this class
- And ... you'd still feel like it was a steal the first time you save $20-80 each month (depending on how fancy you are) because you are now making your own luxury hydrating serum at home
Or, if you're headed toward manufacturing right away, you will feel more skilled to direct your cosmetic chemist.
She or he can now formulate your botanical skincare line according to your specifcations now that you understand the ingredients, the science and the proportions. No more being handed mysterious formulas that don't quite resonate with you, but that you feel clueless to change.
So what are you waiting for?
Register today and I will connect with you soon either live on the Zoom webinar for this class, or later in the private FB group that is for my serious students only.
You will be directed to a secure Moonclerk page to safely complete your registration for this class.
Meet Your Instructor

Well Hello There :)
My name is Eden Croft and I live in sunny Phoenix, Arizona.
I help aspiring beautypreneurs like you create or source their first line of natural products, and sell them profitably.
I have been making and selling products for close to 20 years, and have been actively teaching others how to do so for 4 years.
My friends and family would be so grateful if you came to this class. I have talked to them about shea butter until they're blue in the face and they can't take another word.
Maybe I'll see you there with other passionate beautypreneurs and we can talk about ingredients together until the cows come home. (Then we can talk to the cows.... :) )