Shadow Me While I Oggboo
You can either listen to the audio, or read the letter below it to learn about the program.
If you're ready to sign up now, click this button and you'll be taken to a secure Moonclerk page where you can complete your registration
Credit Card payment options are listed below. Bank account transfer is also an option. If you prefer paypal, you will need to DM me so I can send you an invoice.
Dear Aspiring Natural Beautypreneur,
You have tremendous potential to:
- Improve human health by replacing harmful personal care products with effective and beautifully designed natural alternatives.
-Help preserve the planet in its wholeness for future generations. Making and using natural personal care products lessens dumping of toxins into the environment, restores the topsoil (vital for food security) through supporting organic farming.
- voting with your dollars to place an economic value on preserving wilderness areas from which exotic botanicals are harvested, thus creating positive pressure to keep more pristine areas of the ecology intact.
- to transform your family and community for generations to come, through the financial freedom that entrepreneurism done right can bring.
If you are a woman, and or a beautypreneur of color, your potential positive impact is even more needed, and more profound.
You deserve to be supported and honored in your work.
Who Am I?
Hi. I'm Eden.
I am a self-taught botanical product designer and marketing coach for aspiring beautypreneurs.
I help you design, formulate, create and sell your first natural beauty product or product line.
I am married to a techie dude named Andrews, and we live in Phoenix, AZ with our 2nd grade daughter and pre-schooler son – who are 3.5 years apart.
I’m into natural lifestyle concepts, universal spirituality and online marketing. I am wild about botanicals, herbalism and sacred commerce.
I worked in the wellness industry for most of my adult life.
I consider the Southwestern states, but particularly Arizona, to be one of the loves of my life.

Why Did I Create This Program?
So many aspiring natural beauty mavens and mavericks struggle with:
- science and math-phobia.
- confidence in feeling like they can’t do it without replicating some corporate model, which of course is intimidating.
- concerns about being backed financially.
- sheer terror of showing up online to regularly be seen marketing their products.
- feeling like people are hoarding information, or that they too have to be super secretive or corner the market to get ahead.
My mission with this program is to shatter the illusion of all these fears and misconceptions with accessible and simple tools.
What "They" Don't Tell You
The truth is that the science and math of formulas can be broken down into plain English, but people are just choosing not to do so.
The truth is that you don’t need a trust fund or the support of a high net worth individual to dare to play in the beauty products arena. I built my brand a few hundred dollars at a time. So can you.
The truth is that you don’t have to replicate the exact same corporate model you are trying to escape – unless you like that box. I prefer to show up in my mom uniform (jeans, t-shirt, flip flops, make-up free) daily to make money, and speak in the same tones and language I use to speak to my friends and neighbors.
The truth is that marketing is terrifying because no-one is showing you how to be moved forward by a vision and strategy of deeply serving people, instead of being fake, pushy and salesy. You really don’t have to be that person.
The truth is that there are literally hundreds of thousands of brands around the world, that you and I have never heard of, and never will that are:
- making a great living.
- operating on their own terms.
- honorably serving people.
- doing what they love.
It saddens me that all this untruth is floating around, trying to prevent you from being great.
Long ago I made a bargain with God, when I was in your same position. I said “If you can please help me figure this out, I promise to help other people figure this out, once I am in a position to do so.”
Well here I am. This is a soul contract for me, where I get to live my passion, by helping you embody your dream of having a natural beauty brand.
That is why I created this program.
You and I get to work in a group setting, for about a year, for a one-time payment of $299, building out your line.
If you are focused you could be selling your first 2 products as early as 3 months from the time you sign up. However, it is also a self-paced program, so each person moves at a pace that is appropriate for their own life circumstances.
If you're ready to sign up now, click this button and you'll be taken to a secure Moonclerk page where you can complete your registration
Credit Card payment options are listed below. Bank account transfer is also an option. If you prefer paypal, you will need to DM me so I can send you an invoice.
Here is a breakdown of what to expect:
You will have live access to me twice a month during group calls.
You have direct access to ask questions, privately via my PERSONAL email and FB Messenger. (You can expect a response within 72 hours, but 80% of the time my response will be immediate during normal daytime hours in the US, or within 24 hours.
Even though the live component ends in June of 2020, you will have lifetime access to all of the videos, formulas and documents shared.
- Teaching through over the shoulder video tutorials and downloadable pdf’s.
- COMPLETELY transparent breakdown of every move I’m making – so that’s buying ingredients, how I’m pricing my products, how I’m designing my packages and creating my sales funnels. What am I outsourcing? What are my actual numbers? How does my progress towards manufacturing look?
- Watch me design and sell my family brand with a:
- Full kids hair care line.
- Full adults hair care line
- Full men’s grooming line
- Full Baby/ Mama Line
- Full bodycare line
- Home Scents line
- Creating an Etsy Store
- Creating a Website
- Creating a Blog
- Full Social Media Strategy for Instagram & Facebook (Eventually Pinterest & Linked In)
- Creating Merch
BONUS CONTENT * - FULL, LIFETIME ACCESS - to any mini-courses I create or any guest expert-led workshops.
You will be doing some personal development work and I will be sharing a little more about what I am thinking or struggling with and how I am overcoming it.
Remember the bulk of your hardships will be transcending your own personal demons. That is really the only thing stopping you.
So if you don’t like that kind of inner work, you might not enjoy this program.
If you like to skip steps (like ingredient mapping or nailing down to your first 5-6 products ONLY – then you’ll probably also hate this program.
I will not be catering to things that I feel will confuse you and keep you stuck.
You will have created or curated a beautiful collection, that you feel proud of and are actually excited to sell.
You will form partnerships and have collabs that will help you grow your following.
You will have transformed from clueless & alone– to partnered with a clear road to sales.
You will feel empowered and capable to do it again with another collection, because you will have the skillset to:
- Clearly design a cohesive botanical collection that addresses the beauty concerns of your niche.
- Create your own formulas or to be able to spot bulk bases that you could use, as is, to private label your product.
- Alter bulk bases and personalize them to your niche’s ideal specifications.
- Have packaging and visual branding that you are proud of.
- Create a clear lead magnet that grows your email list.
- Create a sales funnel designed to boost your average ticket by focusing on packages vs individual products.
- Choose and create the selling platform that works best for you, either on your own or with the help of a freelancer.
- Uncover your unique selling style so that you are joyfully, and consistently showing up in the marketplace in a way that suits your personality, skillset and lifestyle.
- Opportunity to network with other beautypreneurs, making friends and allies, and learn from many experts from the worlds of marketing, personal development, and wellness.
Caveat – you just need to do the work. Ready to roll up your sleeves?
I hope to see you inside the program and the private FB group.
If you're ready to sign up now, click this button and you'll be taken to a secure Moonclerk page where you can complete your registration
Credit Card payment options are listed below. Bank account transfer is also an option. If you prefer paypal, you will need to DM me so I can send you an invoice.
If you are interested in one on one work with me, or hiring me for consulting, you can read more here and fill out the application to speak with me linked on that page.