The Last Shampoo Creation Instructions You Will Ever Need Are Here, Only If...
- You prefer to hear all the sciency stuff broken down into plain English.
- You'd rather start with formulas and templates made strictly for tight coils and curls, and other textures of natural black hair, instead of having to tweak the heck out of formulas made for naturally straight hair types.
- You don't want to pay hundreds of dollars for a course that drags on and on and you want your info dripped to you in 3 short weeks in digestible bite-sized pieces.
- You like having the option between both written info and visual demos.
- You like to be able to ask questions about what you're learning when needed.
- $49 sounds like a sweet deal for all that you'll get below:
Video 1 – What is a shampoo really, besides thickened soapy water?
Video 2 What is a Clarifying Shampoo
Video 3 What is a Detangling Shampoo
Video 4 Components of a Hair Care Line
Shampoo Primer – 15 pages of theory, templates, formulas all in plain English that make you wonder why you ever thought that making a shampoo would be hard.
Access to FB group where there are other secret files for you to enjoy, that include;
Carrier Oils Primer
Botanicals Primer
Ingredient Sourcing Primer – for US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, UK
I am available almost daily to answer your questions in the group
Support and fellowship with other beautypreneurs
Week 2
Video 5 – basic Equipment you’ll need for making your shampoo
Video 6 – The importance of Measuring & how to use your scale
Video 7 – An intro to natural thickeners
Week 3
Video 8 – Demo of 2 clarifying shampoos – one simple and another more complex one.
Video 9 – Demo of 2 moisturizing shampoos – one creamy and another that is a bit more clear
If you click any of these pay buttons - you will be taken to a secure Moonclerk payment page to enter your credit card or bank information.
*Upcoming workshops include conditioners (all kinds), styling products for natural hair (all kinds), facial care products (all kinds), bath and body care products, marketing (FB Ads, Instagram, Pinterest, Email, Funnels); Selling on Etsy, Amazon or Shopify; How to Create and Structure Your Own Website; Mindset Workshops. Some of these classes will be taught by guest experts.