Welcome to Freedom Through Beauty, and Module 1- All About Niching
Video 1: Welcome Aboard the Freedom Through Beauty Launchpad
Video 2: Why Niching Matters
In this video I go into what niching means for the success of your business. Understanding this and then implementing it in your business from the get-go is a game changer in terms of your focus, your ability to serve your chosen niche and ultimately your financial results.
This video (not mine) was the one that drove home the point to me that I could not avoid pinning down a niche if I wanted to be successful. I hope you find it as helpful as I did.
Video 3: How to Go About Finding a Niche, & Conducting Deeper Research Into It for Marketing Purposes
NICHE IDEAS- PDF - If you haven't a clue where to start - this is full of niche - and sub-niche ideas to help you get going. Just pick 2 or 3 that interest you and dig in.
NICHING WORKSHEET - PDF - This will help you keep track of all your research in an orderly fashion. Print out as many of these as you need. Even after you have chosen a niche, they are so helpful for choosing post topics for social media, blogs and videos, and for magnetic copy on your website.